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EXCLUSIVE SURVEY: COVID-19 Altering Access Industry

EXCLUSIVE SURVEY: COVID-19 Altering Access Industry

The results of an exclusive survey by Lift and Access showed that in the last week, the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly affecting travel, revenue, and hiring decisions in the access industry.

The survey, conducted from March 17-20, 2020, found that 40% of respondents’ businesses have temporarily eliminated any kind of travel, both air and ground domestically and internationally, as a result of the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. For employees that have recently traveled, 60% report that their businesses have instituted strict restrictions that prohibit staff members from returning to their places of work for a minimum of 14 days. 

Nearly all respondents reported changes to their working environments, with 55% saying their business has allowed those who can work from home to do so and 15% requiring all employees to work from home. Another 15% report that their business has limited customers or vendors from entering their facility, while others say additional changes have been implemented. At the time this survey was taken, no respondents said that the pandemic had caused their business to close its office or location.

And as a sign of what is to come as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue, 75% of respondents said the crisis has either already affected revenue or they expect it will. More than half say their businesses have made layoffs, are considering layoffs, or have paused hiring.

Look for further insights from this survey both on and in the next issue of Lift and Access magazine.



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