Linamar Corporation’s Skyjack division launched all new 40ft and 60ft booms, leveraging its SMARTORQUE™ technology and data-driven design, to improve its customers’ return on investment.
The new design focused on optimization, so that machines make use of practical engine capabilities, and operators make efficient use of available power.
“Skyjack’s SMARTORQUE optimizes the gearing of our axle-based system, along with a simplified, high efficiency hydraulics package,” explained Corey Connolly, product manager at Skyjack. “So that our new 40- and 60-ft. booms are able to employ less than 25 hp engines to deliver the same on-site job performance as higher powered units.”
Connolly added, “Engines have become much more complex and with requirements for more emission controlling devices (DOC DPF, and more). These devices and their impact on engine maintenance can quickly drive up the cost of ownership. Moving to a smaller engine avoids all of these associated costs.”
The new Skyjack models offer increased return on investment through:
Significantly less sensor and emission regulation components to minimize any associated downtime.
Reduced fuel usage through reduced engine size.
No downtime related to after treatment components clogging in colder climates.
No customer issues related to active regeneration.
No expensive Diesel Oxidization Catalyst (DOC) or Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) maintenance or replacement.
Reduced engine OEM intervention and loss of uptime.
No reliance on ultra-low sulfur fuel reduces costs and improved resale options.
“These features taken individually may not seem significant, but the real benefit is that a combination of these things along with any associated downtime will quickly provide savings to our customers,” said Connolly.
The new models rolled out by Skyjack are:
SJ40T+ (replacing the existing SJ40T+)
SJ45T+ (replacing the existing SJ45T+)
SJ45AJ+ (replacing the existing SJ46 and SJ46AJ+)
SJ60AJ+ (replacing the existing SJ51/SJ63 and SJ63AJ +)
Looking to better understand how its machines were being used, Skyjack engaged with customers and gathered detailed telematics data to understand how the machines were being used and what the impact would be for customers and end users, if those changes were made. With this input, Skyjack worked to improve customer return with little to no impact on job site navigation and operation.