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ARA CEO Receives European Rental Association's Lifetime Achievement Award | Construction News

Christine Wehrman, CEO and executive vice president of the American Rental Association (ARA), Moline, Ill., was presented with the European Rental Association (ERA) Lifetime Achievement Award during a special ceremony as part of the ERA’s European Rental Awards 2016 dinner at the ERA’s 10th annual convention in Stockholm on Wed., June 8. Wehrman, who announced in January her planned retirement from ARA after a successor is named later this year, said she was honored to be recognized by ERA.

“It has truly been a privilege to serve ARA’s general and associate membership in my CEO position and work with such capable volunteer leaders and staff members throughout the association and the industry. They all share in this award on behalf of ARA,” Wehrman said. “I also congratulate ERA on its 10th anniversary and thank those who have helped foster such a close friendship between ERA and ARA, including Gérard Déprez, ERA’s first president, and Michel Petitjean, ERA’s secretary general, as we expanded the Global Rental Alliance over the last decade and worked together to further the understanding of the global equipment rental industry,” Wehrman said.

Wehrman joined ARA in late 2000 as the association’s third CEO and executive vice president since its founding in 1955. As she prepares to leave ARA, the association has reached several milestones, including the most member stores in ARA’s 60-year history, solidifying the stature of The Rental Show as the world’s largest equipment rental-specific trade show and convention, development of performance metrics, expanded educational and risk management opportunities, market-leading research, publications and an active government affairs program.


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