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Terex Utilities Hosts Annual Hands On Training Event | Construction News

Terex Utilities Hosts Annual Hands On Training Event | Construction News

In construction news, Terex Utilities' hosted its 35th annual Hands On Training seminar Aug. 19-21 at its Watertown, S.D. location. Forty attendees participated in the three day event that trained customers and distributors on safe and effective operation and application best practices outlined for Terex digger derricks, aerial devices, and auger drills, among others.

“Each year, Hands On Training participants gain valuable training, as well as an understanding of work methods and safety procedures, on Terex equipment to meet the most current jobsite requirements and industry standards,” says Francis Strohfus, training and technical support manager, Terex Utilities. “Whether an attendee’s job is behind a desk or working around energized power lines, our Hands On Training program provides valuable experience with the equipment to increase productivity later in the field. Attendees include a variety of job titles and functions, including fleet managers and engineers, safety managers and administrators, project supervisors, shop managers, technicians and mechanics, and linemen.”

The  event gave attendees the opportunity to rotate through six different stations at Terex Utilities’ outdoor training facility. Participants at each station operated the equipment and performed actual jobs under direct supervision of Terex trainers. In addition, the trainers demonstrated other operations and procedures not covered at the stations, including pole removal techniques, multi-parting winch line lifting, and proper equipment set-up. This year’s event included two digger derrick stations, a transmission station, top controls/ screw anchors, personnel lift and putting a unit in-service, material handling aerials and finally, plant tours.

For more information about Terex products and services, as well as the company’s training and certification schools, visit

Tentative dates for the 2104 Hands On Training are Aug.18th-20th. More information will be available in the future at


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